The Story Behind the Stories IGMS Authors Share How Their Stories Came to Be
September 2014
The Two Kingdoms Woman by James Beamon
I remember playing Destiny of an Emperor and Romance of the Three Kingdoms on my 8-bit
NES as a kid, not knowing all the people and lore steeped in these games was real. Then I got
older and realized the Three Kindoms Period was authentic, and all the characters I'd played
legendary. I began to read about it outside of gaming, but there was practically no mention of
Lady Sun, just a fragment here or there. How was this even possible? I mean, this lady is some
kind of real life action heroine, a tough, badass warrior princess. This woman really did raise a
ruckus, she really did have a hundred sword bearing female servant guards, and she was doing all
this circa 200 A.D.
By far, she was the most intriguing and dynamic person from the Three Kingdoms Period to me.
I wanted to make her story more than a footnote, and I wanted to resolve some of the
inconsistencies between her story and the myths and legends surrounding her. A conventional
storytelling format wasn't capturing her story well. Perhaps because she's so unconventional
herself. So I decided to play the river role, and just let Lady Sun speak to me. All I can hope is
that I translated well.
Read more of The Story Behind the Stories