The Story Behind the Stories IGMS Authors Share How Their Stories Came to Be
September 2014
The Time Mechanic by Marie Vibbert
I was flipping through a book of photos from the 20s and saw this woman auto
mechanic in baggy overalls. There was nothing known about her, aside from the
photo. Years later, I read a story by my friend Darrin Bright about an alien
crashing his flying saucer and seeking help from a rural auto mechanic. The story
was called "Roadside Assistance" and, inexplicably, has not been published. I
thought, I want to write something like that! It was funny and heartwarming. I
knew I couldn't steal Darrin's idea outright, so I decided to do time-travel instead
of space-travel. I remembered the woman in the photo. So much character came
through in that mute portrait. I wanted to bring her to life. I also decided to make
another change from Darrin's story - he had the mechanic from the less-advanced
culture unable to fix the more-advanced machine. What if my past-mechanic
Could fix the time machine? I fell in love with the idea of a sharp mind triumphing
over our assumptions both about rural people and about people in the past.
Read more of The Story Behind the Stories